Lancang-Mekong Economic Zones

Economic zone details


Name North Chu Lai Industrial Zone
Location Open in Google Map
Province Quang Nam Province
Country Vietnam
Overview of the EZ

Bac Chu Lai Industrial Park is one of five industrial zones in Chu Lai Open Economic Zone, approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 43/2004/QD-TTg dated March 23, 2004. It is located in Tam Hiep commune, Nui Thanh District, Quang Nam province with a total area of 361.4 ha. The IZ had two phases of infrastructure development: phase 1: 176.9 ha and phase 2: 184.5 ha. It was developed by Chu Lai Industrial Park Infrastructure Development Company (CIZIDCO). 

Location Advantage

Bac Chu Lai Industrial Park has locational benefits as it is nearby the National Highway, Airport, Railway and Sea Port for cargo transport.

Year of Establishment 2004
Total Area of the Zone 361.4 ha
Land Leasing Cost per Acre 0.6 - 0.7 USD/m2/year (equivalent to 30 - 35 USD/m2/50 years) (VAT not included)
Name of Developer Chu Lai Industrial Park One-Member Limited Company (CIZIDCO)
Management Structure

Under management of Chu Lai Open Economic Zone Management Board and Chu Lai Industrial Park Infrastructure Development Company Limited  

Incentives (Tax and Non-Tax)
  • Land lease period: 50 years
  • Enterprises are built on land with synchronous infrastructure, electricity, water, post and telecommunications. The services are provided to the foot of the factory campus.
  • Corporate income tax rate: 10% for 15 years; 4 years exemption from taxable income and 50% reduction in the following 9 years; 50% reduction of personal income tax for people with taxable income.
  • Import tax: Exemption from import tax on goods creating fixed assets; exempt from import tax for the first 5 years for raw materials, supplies and components of semi-finished products that cannot be produced at home and are imported to serve production.
  • Other supports: The Investor is entitled to lease land and exempt from the full rental of land to build houses for workers; vocational training support according to regulations of Quang Nam Provincial People's Committee and Chu Lai Open Economic Zone Management Board.
Total Number of Investors 29
Investor Nationalities

Chinese, Australian, Singaporean, Taiwanese, Vietnamese

EZ Authority and Contact Address

Chu Lai Industrial Park Infrastructure Development Company Limited - Address: Lot 05, Street 01, North Chu Lai Industrial Park, Nui Thanh District, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam - Phone: +84 0235.3567589 - Fax: + 84 0235.3567589 - Email: [email protected]

Chu Lai Open Economic Zone Management Board – Address: Le Thanh Tong Street, An Phu Ward, Tam Ky City, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam – Phone: +84 02353.812.849 - 02353.812.842 - Fax: +84 02353.812.842 - Email: [email protected]

Total number of companies in the Zone 24
Companies operating in this SEZ
Company Name Logo Email Website
Mapei Vietnam Ltd. emailSend Email launchOpen Link
Quan Chau Company Limited emailSend Email launchOpen Link


Major Roads

Bordered to National Highway 1A and the North – South Railway to the east, bordered to Da Nang – Dung Quat Expressway to the west

Railway Network

To An Tan Railway Station: 3km to the north

Nearest Airports

To Chu Lai Airport: 8km to the Southeast

Any Other Transportation

To Ha Ky Sea Port: 11km to the west


Warehouse inside the zone with minimum land plot: 10,000 m2 - Factory: Built up area: 1,000m2

Dry Ports

To Truong Hai Port: 2km to the northeast

Power Station Capacity

Power is supplied from the national grid through Ky Hoa 110KV transformer station with 2 transformers with capacity of 40 MVA each.

Electrical Price per Unit

0.05 USD/kWh

Water Supply System

Clean water is provided by Tam Hiep Water Plant with a total capacity of 20,000 m3/day and night to ensure sufficient water supply 24/24.

Water Price per Unit

0.3 USD/m3

Waste Water Treatment Location

Rainwater and wastewater drainage systems are built separately.

Wastewater treatment system: wastewater is treated locally from each factory and sent to the general treatment area. Wastewater collection and treatment system for North Chu Lai Industrial Park: phase 1 with capacity of 1,900m3/day and night has been put into operation.

Internet Facility

Telecommunication system has reached international standards, fully meets the needs of communication, high-speed data transmission and domestic and international postal services.

Dormitory for Staff / Workers

Housing for Workers is under construction


Nearby Quang Nam Central General Hospital


Nearby branches of Vietnamese banks (Agribank, Vietcombank, BIDV, Dong A Bank)

Post Office

Nearby Nui Thanh Post Office

Any Other Amenities

Bus route from Nui Thanh to Tam Ky: 30 minutes/time

Security team in the zone



Services Offered

Investment procedures

Related Forms IZ rental land use in 2019
Investment process
Contact Details

Chu Lai Open Economic Zone Management Board – Address: Le Thanh Tong Street, An Phu Ward, Tam Ky City, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam – Phone: +84 02353.812.849 - 02353.812.842 - Fax: +84 02353.812.842 - Email: [email protected]

Lancang-Mekong Economic Zones

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